
Author Archives: Naomi


In February I received a phone call and an invitation to candidate for a job in Camarillo. With in a matter of a few weeks I found myself accepting a new job and preparing to move. March was a full month for me. I moved to Camarillo and started at this new job. God opened all the doors wide open to bring me to where I am and I’m so excited for what He has in store for me. Since I’ve moved I’ve been reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. Amidst these changes another change I’ve been hoping to make is to my blog.

You can now find me over at my new blog My Fair Olinda, a lifestyle blog where I hope to find my voice in my little corner of the blog world. Thank you so much for joining in on the journey at More Numerous Than Sand. I’m looking forward to seeing you on my new blog and would love to interact with you there!

I’ve started a fun blog series: 30X30 Remix. A challenge where you take 30 items from your closets for 30 days and make 30 outfits. Check it out and let me know what you think.


{image via Pink Wallpaper}